📺FAST Channel 'Real Crime Uncovered' available NOW exclusively on SlingFreestream!
VIDEOELEPHANT for media companies

Video strategy is
business strategy

Let us help you with video content, distribution and monetization solutions to maximize profitability while keeping audiences happy and tuned in.

The world's most-trusted
video solution provider

Building an audience - and growing a business - with video can be expensive and complex. We’re here to make it easier, with content, revenue, distribution and strategic support for any media company, with any audience, on any platform.

Grow your
video business
Improve your
video audience
Scale video
your content
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Grow your most
valuable video business

Give your audience - and your advertisers - more of the premium video experiences they want, in ways that don't compromise your bottom-line.

  • Scale in-stream video plays, and the premium ad inventory associated with them, with licensed video content.
  • Supplement and harmonize with your original video programing.
  • Use your existing infrastructure - no code on page or additional technology required.
  • Complement, not compete with, other valuable video strategies in play, such as out-stream or social video offerings.
  • Acquire more video content with minimal business risk, with optional monetization-supported licensing models.
Improve your video audience

Generate more plays and 
keep viewers tuned in longer

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Easily curate in-stream
viewing experiences

Keep audiences leaning in by offering them more of the premium viewing experiences they prefer.

  • Maintain editorial control
    Manage the content presented to your audience.
  • Deepen viewer trust
    Deliver a cohesive content experience across media formats.
  • Deliver a relevant experience
    Avoid out-stream or “ad-tech” supported players.
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Enhance your
content catalog

Get full access to the world’s largest library of rights-cleared videos, feeds, and channels.

  • Convenient online platform
    Over 4 Million video assets, all in one place.
  • Efficient workflows
    Find a video and publish it to your page in seconds, using your existing player technology.
  • Intuitive search
    Locate videos by topic, genre, keyword,
    language, publish date, length, and more.
  • Real-time updates
    Use the platform’s feed generator to instantly
    create MRSS feeds.
See our library
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Premium content only

Quality video assets from 1,000+ unique content providers.

  • Super fresh
    3,000 new videos added daily.
  • Global reach
    More than 15 supported languages.
  • Flexible format
    Short and long-form formats.
  • Brand safe
    No user-generated content.
Learn more
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Always-on support

Assistance, advice and strategic services to help your video business thrive.

  • 24/7 account support
  • Custom content
    Production services available to create unique and/or branded video content.
  • Curation services
    Receive content recommendations from our library team, and get help building playlists and channels as needed.
  • Player technology
    Bundle online video player (OVP) technology with a licensing program to support both content and delivery needs at once.
  • Expert insight
    Get updates on category benchmarks and other insights from our expert team.
Scale video revenue

Maximize the value of
your video strategy

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Create inventory

Up-level your revenue potential by increasing your supply.

  • Increase monetizable ad inventory by generating
    more in-stream video plays.
  • Offer advertisers the opportunity to reach your viewers
    in contextually relevant content environments.
  • Achieve “video on every page” seamlessly with no-code deployment, a user-friendly platform, and hands-on help.
  • Take control of your O&O inventory to deleverage from YouTube embeds.
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your content

Offset content licensing costs with optional
monetization support.

  • Full-service monetization support
    Inventory presentations to partners, campaign management and optimization, and detailed revenue reporting.
  • Connect with demand from premium demand partners
    at competitive rates.
  • Monetize on any platform, including in-app, streaming TV
    and digital out of home (DOOH) inventory.
Learn more
Distribute your content

Expand brand presence
and elevate video value

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Capture an incremental licensing revenue opportunity.

  • License only to premium network partners.
  • Achieve global reach efficiently.
  • Share across platforms, including digital media, apps, streaming and retail media partners.
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Streaming platforms

Build unique streaming CTV FAST channels for your brand to embrace new media business models.

  • Complement your programming
    Access long and short-form content to complement your lineup and alleviate production expense barriers.
  • Expert support
    Receive guidance on the best formats, strategies, and schedules for streaming platforms to fast-track your launch.
  • Maximize profitability
    Offset licensing costs with optional monetization support.
“VideoElephant is an extremely valuable partner of Microsoft Start and has played a crucial role in our content strategy throughout the time we've been working together. Their commitment to collaboration and delivering high-quality, diverse content has been key to our mutual success.” – Microsoft Start
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Let’s talk video

Tell us more about your goals and take a product tour.