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August: End of Summer Gold Mine
August: End of Summer Gold Mine

August is the quietest month of the year. Or is it? As summer vacations wind to a close, the August calendar continues to bowl over with a crazy quilt of special days and events.

Carolina Jones
Carolina Jones
Jul 24, 2024
The Video Imperative
The Video Imperative

It's a virtuous circle. The best editorial is enhanced by compelling video that deepens engagement and keeps viewers longer, i.e., showing a speech, not just talking about it or showing an explosion, not just talking about it. And the reverse is also true. Good video can provoke a story. An...

Emma McGuire
Emma McGuire
Jul 16, 2024
What makes good video content, from a publisher’s point of view
What makes good video content, from a publisher’s point of view

Engagement. Plain and simple. The best content drives eyeballs, and that means more advertisers and/or subscribers. And, knowing that watching video is one of the top three activities performed online, publishers would do well to integrate as much video as possible into their editorial coverage....

Carolina Jones
Carolina Jones
Jul 2, 2024
At StreamTV Show, FAST offers a new venue for niche, unique content
At StreamTV Show, FAST offers a new venue for niche, unique content

As the media landscape experiences a seismic shift, one question on everyone’s mind is what’s next for FAST? I was fortunate enough to speak on a panel last week at the StreamTV Show to dissect the FAST phenomenon and what the future may hold.

Preeya Naul
Preeya Naul
Jul 2, 2024
Accelerating the Slow Path to FAST Success
Accelerating the Slow Path to FAST Success

Subscription video on demand (SVoD) had a good run, but the world of internet-empowered entertainment is still turning. Netflix and Hulu may have revolutionized the way audiences consume programming and ultimately catalyzed a mass exodus from traditional cable, but recent price hikes coupled with...

Brian Cullinane
Brian Cullinane
Jul 2, 2024
Creators Find Off-Social Audiences
Creators Find Off-Social Audiences

As creators become aware of the monetization opportunities off of their usual social channels, they are increasingly taking advantage of networks like VideoElephant to mine non-social platforms.

Kate Doughan
Kate Doughan
Jun 20, 2024
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