So, we’ve put together a list of fun facts about video consumption in the United States that further punctuate the importance of video in your content strategy.

  1. Everyday Engagement: Did you know that 100 million internet users tune in to watch at least one video online daily? This statistic underscores the insatiable appetite for video content among audiences worldwide. Whether in entertainment, education, or inspiration, video has become the go-to medium for fulfilling diverse consumer needs.

  2. Quality Drives Trust: While video content might be abundant, it's crucial to recognize that quality is paramount for consumers. 87% of internet users state that the quality of a video affects the level of trust they have in a brand. At VideoElephant, we prioritize providing publishers with premium video content to uphold the trust of their readers.

  3. Information Recall: From an editorial point of view, one of the most compelling aspects of video is its unparalleled ability to drive recall. Studies have shown that users retain 95% of the information presented in a video, compared to just 10% when the same information is conveyed through text-based content.

  4. Preference for Video Learning: In today's fast-paced world, consumers are increasingly turning to video to learn about products and services. 72% of consumers expressed they prefer to learn about products and services through video formats.

  5. Demand for Video Marketing: As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the demand for video marketing content shows no signs of slowing down. 91% of internet users want to see more video marketing content from businesses, making it a business imperative to have a robust video content strategy.

If you’re considering deepening your commitment to video, subscribe to our blog to stay in the know on today’s video trends, tips and tricks to make your video strategy shine, and/or contact us here.

Emma McGuire
Emma McGuire
Head of Revenue Operations

Emma McGuire has almost a decade of expertise in optimizing efficiency and fostering partnerships. With a proven track record in customer success and data analysis, Emma leads our Revenue Operations, translating market trends into client-focused strategies. Outside of the office, she enjoys hiking, film photography and baking bread.